Monday, February 18, 2013

I want to be a mom

Someday I feel as if that will happen when me and J are ready and I am fine with that. Other times it hurts that I do not have one now. I see many people with kids and many without, all in different situations as well. The things that hurt me are the parents who have kids, but don't appreciate them or take care of them and the parents that have kids because it was a mistake and they are miserable.

If you are an adult and having sex, you need to take precautions if you are not planning on having kids. It kills me to hear people say "I don't know how this happened" when there was NO form of protection. There are also the people that have kids because someone else they know is having one. The I got pregnant because so-and-so did. They are out there too!

I am happy in my relationship and I love my boyfriend, but there are times that I feel like it would be so great to have a little one running around (besides the cats and dog) lol. There is a joy and unconditional love that a child can bring and so many people take that for granted. It just hurts to see families like that everyday and know people that would be much better parents unable to have children, or have a hard time.

Having a child is a big thing! You should not have a child if you just want attention. If you don't want kids, USE PROTECTION! Do not have a child just to keep the man in your life! (You could cause yourself and your child un needed pain later in life.)

I know I want to be a mom one day, but I know that I will not being a child in this world in any false pretenses, it is not fair to my child. Be responsible.

1 comment:

  1. You will be a mom, soon enough :) I do know how you feel though and there are too many examples of kids having kids, people having kids that shouldn't, and so on. I will keep this short because I'm sure I will be having one of these posts soon
