Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Blog Challenge - Day 3

Your day, in great detail.

Not only do I have to describe what I did today. I have to do so in GREAT detail. Well OK it's probably not that extreme. But how can I be sure to accurately tell you about my day without boring you guys into sleep or changing the page?

Lets begin. I woke up fairly normal today. My alarm for work goes off at 5:00am, this is my first of several alarms (i'm one of those people) I snooze them all until the 7:00am alarm goes off and that when I start to move around and begin to function. I go to the bathroom and put some solution in my eyes because my contacts feel like they are glued to my eyeballs. don't judge me

By this time the two cats and dog are swarming me for food and attention. I take the dog out to do his business, he almost rips my arm off trying to get over the fence to see the neighbor. We talk pleasantries as well as I can this early and still trying to keep my eyes open. I drag my dog away from the neighbor and back into the house to get ready for the day.

I don't know about you but if my dog is unattended and NOT in his cage, he eats anything he can get a hold of, mostly shoes. My boyfriend can leave him out and he is an angel, but for me, he is Odin the destroyer. Problem solved, he comes into the bathroom with me when I shower.

The drive to work and most of the day was as it should have been. Long, boring, and I couldn't wait to get off work. I handle invoicing and billing for a large law firm and we are at the point now that we are always busy. There was something different today though....

I got pulled into the office by the big manager and HR thought i was getting fired, it happens a lot there  they asked me a few questions. Where do I see myself in 3 years, 10, what kind of positions would I like to try there, etc. At first I was scared, but I was honest. I would love to be there long term, they are working in several branches of law and help people all over the United States. This gave me hope that the company is looking to move me into something other then a glorified data entry position. Yay to me!!

I worked late to make up some time. Got home, had to clean up the dogs cage, he ate something he shouldn't and got sick. After that I scrubbed the bathroom and then took my Odin on a walk around my apartment complex.

We use the Gentle Leader for him and it works wonders. He still pulls a little bit and I am working on that, but with other leashes and harnesses it was impossible for me to walk him at all. He is in the cage when we work and out to the bathroom but on most days that is all. Our fence out back is waist high, which he can jump clear over, so we can't let him out back without the leash so the walks are good for him.

My back pain and issues makes it hard for me to walk for long, his high energy needs more, but every little bit helps him and me. I hope I can get out more, but I have to be careful with my back, and its Florida and it rains every other day.

After we got home we both got our water and he is sleeping on the couch next to me while I am working on this blog entry. Today was a pretty good day.

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