Sunday, May 11, 2014

Food Sneaker

This has to be one of my biggest problems.

I have always been "trying to work on my weight." I would start a walk here and go for a day or so then the weather would be bad (its FL, like every other day is pouring rain), or I would be too tired and would put it off until the next day, which would never happen.

I started a goal at the beginning of the year that I would lose 30 lbs by the time I turned 30. I have less then a month now and have not lost anything. The 5 lbs that I have lost just yo-yo back up and down depending on the day and what I ate the previous day.

I am a Food Sneaker. This means that I hide what I eat and how much I eat from people. I live with my boyfriend and will lie to him about what I ate or how much. Why? Because I feel ashamed. He wouldn't think anything less of me, but I feel that if I talk about eating right and losing weight, why would I be eating like I do? And then hiding it from him?

When I get bored I snack and that is the biggest thing that has to stop for me. I have stopped drinking sodas and only drink water. I will drink Sweet Tea when we go out, because I do not want their tap water in a cup!! When I cook a meal I notice that I munch on random things as I am cooking and will then sit down to eat the meal as well. I have stopped doing this as much, but I still do it. I'm going to keep healthier items like carrots in the fridge for me to munch on if I get the urge to eat while cooking.

The 30 lbs by 30 will not happen. My birthday is on June 10th. During the time until my birthday I will focus on eating better, keeping soda out of my system, no snacking while cooking (unless small and healthier), and NO FOOD SNEAKING!!!

I will also start to exercise and do something daily, mainly walking and stretches that I am able to do because of my back pain. Once I build up the tolerance maybe I can move into something else.

One day at a time though........

My new goal. 30 lbs within 30. I am giving myself my 30th year. This will be about me and myself. I will focus on my health, my weight, and loving myself and who I am. This is a struggle sometimes, but I know that I can do it.

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